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[ux_banner height=”500px” bg=”22″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.42)”]
Create amazing image boxes with unlimited style options.
[/ux_banner] [section]
[col span=”4″]
[ux_image_box img=”21″]
Some smaller text
[/col] [col span=”4″]
[ux_image_box style=”bounce” img=”21″]
Add anything here
[ux_image_box style=”badge” img=”21″]
You can add shortcodes here
[ux_image_box style=”overlay” img=”21″]
Add any elements here..
[ux_image_box style=”label” img=”21″]
[ux_image_box style=”shade” img=”21″]
[ux_image_box style=”push” img=”21″ image_height=”90%” text_hover=”bounce”]
[/col] [col span=”8″ depth=”2″ depth_hover=”5″]
[ux_image_box style=”vertical” img=”21″ image_width=”48″]
[/section] [section]
[col align=”center”]
We have created many examples here. Mix and Match effects to create your perfect Image Box
[/col] [col span=”4″ depth=”1″]
[ux_image_box img=”21″ image_height=”100%”]
[ux_image_box style=”bounce” img=”21″ image_height=”100%” depth=”1″ text_bg=”rgb(66, 66, 66)” text_color=”dark”]
[ux_image_box style=”overlay” img=”21″ image_height=”125%” image_hover=”blur” text_pos=”middle” text_size=”small” text_hover=”zoom-in”]
[ux_image_box style=”overlay” img=”21″ image_height=”100%”]
[ux_image_box style=”shade” img=”21″ image_height=”116%”]
A beautiful box.
[ux_image_box style=”shade” img=”21″ image_height=”100%” image_radius=”100″ image_hover=”zoom” text_pos=”middle” text_hover=”bounce”]
Create this by adding radius 100% to the image.